Are you ready to quiet the Inner Critic once and for all? 

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It’s tough out there. Perfection and success splattered all over social media.  

The idea that success should come easily and overnight; that the best, the brightest and most beautiful always have it all together.

It’s even tougher inside- the thoughts and beliefs that you have created about who you are, and what you are not.  

Believe me, I’ve been there…. just last week in fact. What keeps me from staying there is my awareness of my thoughts, my understanding of the Inner Critic and my toolkit of strategies to keep from spiralling and giving up.  

The Inner Critic is present anytime you limit your ability, your opportunities or your experiences because of doubt and fear.  

I want you to grow.  

I want you To take risks; to honour who you are and live it fully.  

I want you to JUST Go For It.  

This session will create greater confidence and remove the limiting beliefs we place on ourselves so we can take action on the things that will bring more joy and satisfaction to our lives. You will learn tools that will help you build strength against the Inner Critic how to fight against Imposter Syndrome.  You will learn how to listen to and trust the voice of your Inner Guide so you can make decisions with clarity and confidence.  You will learn how to be more of you. The real you that is capable, confident and worth every ounce of joy that this life has to offer.  

You are done with playing small

You are ready to propel forward.
 You want to grow.
You want to be your best.
You are ready to throw away the excuses, the fear and the doubt

Join us online for a 2 Part Series June 9th and 11th

learn how to Quiet the Inner Critic and Build Confidence and Clarity from Within.  

If you've ever doubted yourself, stopped yourself from taking risks, putting yourself out there, and living fully and authentically, then,

this PROGRAM is built for you

Your Instructor

Erin Ekman, BsCKin, CPCC, PCC


Erin is passionate about developing people and teams as they actively move towards their personal and professional goals, and partnering with organizations that recognize that their people are their greatest asset and pathway to long term success. 

Erin has worked in coaching and leadership development since 2009 and holds a Professional Co-Active Coach Certification (CPCC) from the Coaches Training Institute and PCC with the ICF.   

Erin incorporates high performance principles, neuroscience and the complexities of human behaviour and development into her consulting work with entrepreneurs, organizations and international charities in Canada, USA, Central America, Africa and Asia Pacific and as an instructor in the Professional and Leadership Programs in the SAIT School of Business.